Operating voltage: 90 -220V AC
Operating Current : < 600mA
Collimated beam diameter of 12 -15mm
Divergence : < 1mrad
Includes heat sink and fan with temperature control.
Block dimensions Laser Diode : 112mm X 55mm X 40mmm
Dimensions of power supply: 93mm X 60mm X 35.5 mm
Compatible with TTL 0- 5V 0- 20KHz modulation for power regulation .
CE Approved .
Operating mode: CW (continuous )
Operation : DPSS Diode - Pumped Solid -State Laser
Diode - pumping : AlGaAs laser diode 808nm IR
- Solid State Laser : Nd : YVO4 doped yttrium orthovanadate neodymium
Nd doped 2% by atomic percent ; 1064nm emission
Bender - crystal second harmonic generation KH2PO4 KDP
( Potassium dihydrogen phosphate ) ; 532nm emission .
Laser cavity: multilayer coating on the crystal Nd : YVO4
Operating temperature: -10 ° C to +40 ° C
- Passive: by conduction of heat through heat sinks .
-Active : convection heat by 2 fans
Pre-heating time : < 1.5 seconds
Operating lifetime : > 5000hrs
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